Truth About Six Pack Abs - Review
Is this a scam or something that will truly benefit individuals?
Mike Geary is the author and creator of Truth About Six Pack Abs. Mike is a Resident of the State of New Jersey and is certified as a Professional as well as a Personal Trainer. He is also a Registered Nutrition Specialist. Together with his own website and his health and fitness newsletter with thousands of subscribers, Mike also contributes regularly additional articles on fitness throughout the web.
What is inside the Truth About Six Pack Abs?
First off, the book is very extensive, and at first it is a lot of information to take in all at once. A good suggestion would be to read through it and go over the complete details, examples and all of the pictures that guide you through each routine. After that you could start your plan according to the program.
Topics include, understanding the metabolic rate at which our bodies burn calories, Body fat percentile, most effective abdominal training program, complete training program and of course, diet and nutrition.
Mike’s training program is broken down into two parts; interval training and resistance and weight training. His program lays out a routine of 3 to 4 days per week for about 45 to 60 minutes and Mike suggests that anything longer than that really isn’t a benefit in fat loss. All exercises can be performed at home, so there is no need to join a gym to benefit from his program.
Mike has laid out at the end of the book his nutrition guidelines for fat loss. He also explains why diets don’t work and why people have such a hard time losing weight. The nutritional information, daily meals, example of meal plans, daily calorie intake and more are spelled out for you and easy to follow.
It is recommended that Truth About Six Pack Abs is a program designed for both men and women who desire the ultimate in health and fitness. If you have wondered how to lose belly fat, have a desire for flat six pack abs, and improve your overall health, than Truth About Six Pack Abs is for you.
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