Motivation - The Key Factor in How to Lose Weight Now


As with any exercise program the hardest thing to do is getting yourself motivated. This is absolutely true when it comes doing sit-ups or any other form of abdominal exercises. For most people, the mid section is what we like to look the best, but it is the last section of an exercise routine that seems to be less concentrated on. It’s always the chest, arms, legs that get the greatest attention and than we finish out our routine with a few sit-ups in the hopes that we will achieve that perfect wash board stomach that is usually flashed on TV.

With the rising statistics of overweight people globally, their main concern should focus on total body health first, and than target such areas as the abs, chest, arms and legs. You would still perform exercise routines working on the individual groups, but your main objective is to improve your total health. The best way to lose weight and improve your health is to start moving your body regularly. This is where motivation plays a key factor in getting yourself moving. Mike Geary and Truth About Abs is a program designed to assist you through this.

Many people lack motivation due to stress, work, school, family obligations and so forth. Another factor that is blamed on motivation is the genetic syndrome. People will give excuses why they are overweight or cannot have physically fit bodies because of the genes in their family history. Although this is somewhat true, is doesn’t mean that you cannot change your habits and improve your body’s health, strength, and tone. What it means is that you will have to apply a little extra effort to achieve your goals.

The first factor in motivation is you. You have to want to do something. You have to want change in your life and in your family’s life. Nothing else is going to work unless you begin to motivate yourself in wanting a change for better health, family, your work and your finances. This is a funny example of how motivation works in the opposite direction. Have you ever noticed how easy it is to get out of the chair or up off the sofa and walk into the kitchen to make a snack or meal for yourself? Is that motivation? You bet it is, but it is working in the opposite direction of what you want verses what you need. Think about that for moment, want and need. What is motivating you to get up and grab a bowl of ice cream?

Does your body need that ice cream to survive? No. Your body is signaling your brain that it craves and wants ice cream now. What is the motivation here? It makes you feel better, which in turn strengthens that particular motivation in your brain.

Now, if you want to change your overall health and achieve better looking abdominals you must follow some changes in your habits. Mike Geary explains this exceptionally well in his courses on achieving flat six pack abs. Truth About Abs Your quest to improve your midsection will only happen if you change your habits and how and what you eat.

How to lose weight fast and develop total body health will depend upon your motivation factor. You can listen to me and countless of other individuals telling you what to do to motivate yourself. It will only happen if you accept who you are and what you want to become for yourself. No one else! Just you, the person looking back at you in the mirror.

Truth About Abs

Once you accept the truth about your physical condition and stop telling yourself that everything is fine, you will start to feel the difference in motivation. This is your opportunity to achieve the success that you were looking for in losing weight, toning your abdominals and total overall health for a better lifestyle. Truth About Abs is for you, Get Motivated and let your hunger pains move you in the right direction. Truth About Abs

By: Kevin (ktravel)  To Your Overall Health



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